The Graduate School of the National University of Piura was instituted on May 10th, 1990 through Resolution No. 420-R-90, which is governed by University Law 23733, the Statute and its Regulations.
It was created and started its activities on May 4th, 1991 by proposing the first Master’s Degree in Rural Development of the Graduate School. Its official academic opening was on July 5th of the same year, when it started its activities; and the last ones in creation are: Direction and Management of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Development, National Defense and Citizen Security and Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering. However, not all master’s degrees began to operate after being authorized due to the lack of infrastructure and other requirements for their normal development.
The direction of the Graduate School is under the responsibility of Dr. Santos Leandro Montaño Roalcaba, who carries out the planning, organization, direction and control of the admission processes of the masters and doctorates. Futhermore, in September 2017 he made a balance of the actions and defined the situation, goals and objectives of the School.
During the last 5 years there has been a growth of the student population so it will be necessary to build new facilities to meet this demand and thus provide high-quality services to our students.
We have the academic support of teachers from our University, prestigious Universities of Lima and other regions of Peru, as well as guest lecturers from universities of foreign countries.